Philippe Toutlemonde & Philippe van Mullem / A short story about the history of friendship

PhiPhi said: I first met Philippe van Mullem at the club where I lived in 1985. He was attracted to what I was doing in the record console. We immediately felt good because we were in tune with the same musical waves. We were both beginners. He also offered to collaborate on future productions. We were very prolific in the studio because a strong complicity developed between us. We tried to convey our characters and personalities through the music we produced. The song "Eternally" was the group's undisputed number one. "Free Your Mind", a continuation also included on the album "Voyages", did not bring the same results as the said track. It is the audience that determines the success of the piece. I think it's a matter of feeling. We would probably have to make a clone to get the same approval, as is often the case with big hits, but we were far from that strategy and mindset. In hindsight, maybe it was a mistake. Everyone makes choices in life, and we want things to evolve. The end of something always represents the beginning of another. Added to this was the fact that Philippe lived in the south of France and therefore continued his adventure with the Quadran project on his own. For me, it's really hard to sum up over twenty-five years of friendship in a few lines. Philippe van Mullem was a talented composer and an exceptional melodist.


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